Adding priority fees with Solana Web3.JS in the Issue Candidate version
As a developer using the Solan Library, you are probably familiar with the concept of computer units and priority fees. However, when working with the versions of candidates for issuing, some features may not yet be available or may require additional configuration. In this article, we will go through how to add priority fees to your transaction in the candidate for publishing using the Web3.js.
What are computer units?
In the solar, computer units refer to the amount of computer resources (eg CPU cycle) required to perform a particular instruction or program. Priority fees are used to award these computer units between different accounts or programs during the transaction execution phase.
A version of the release candidate: Where are computer budget programs?
In versions of candidates for publication, calculating budget programs may not be available outside the box. This is because Solana still perfects her architecture and adds new features to each subsequent version. However, in these early editions there is an alternative solution to prioritial fees management.
Solution: Using a computer program with ComputebudgetProgram
In the versions of the release candidate, you can create a computer program that uses the Computebudgetprogram
compriberate interface. This program will allow you to manage priority fees and allocation of computer units between accounts or programs.
Here’s an example of how to add priority fees using a computer program to the web3JS:
// Imports of the necessary libraries
Const Web3 = required (‘web3’);
Const Ethers = demand (‘ethers’);
// Define the structure of a computer budget program
Const Computebudgetprogram = {
Name: ‘Compute-Budget-Program’,
Code: [
// Add computer function implementation here
The entrances: [
Type: ‘memory’,
Name: ‘Priorityfee’,
Memoriesaddress: ‘0xSomemoryaddress’,
Type: ‘nint256’,
, ,,
Exits: [
Type: ‘memory’,
Name: ‘result’,
Memoriesaddress: ‘0xSomeresultdress’,
Type: ‘bool’,
, ,,
, ,,
// Create a new computer program instance
Const program = new ether.contract (, ComputebudgetProgram.code, Web3.Eth.getprovider ());
// Define a transaction function that will use priority fee
Function ModifycomPuteunits (bytes32) {{
return program.computeunit (bytes32);
// Test a modified computer unit with priority fee
ModifycomPuteunits (‘0xSomeinputaddress’);
In this example, we created the structure of theComputebudgetprogramwith an input parameter for a priority fee and an output parameter that returns Boole's result. We then create a new instance of the program using the constructor
ethers.contractand invite the function of a modified computation unit using the Modifycomputeunits' function.
- This is just an example of implementation and you should change it to fit your specific case of use.
- You will need to replace0XSOMEINPUDADDRESS
0xSomememoraddresswith actual addresses for your input parameters.
- Be sure to be ongoing with Solan documentation and notes on release, as new features and API can be added to the following versions.
By using a computer program with theComputeBudgetProgram` interface, you can manage priority fees in versions of candidates for publishing web3.JS. Just remember that you thoroughly test your implementation before arranging it in production.