Ethereum: Estimating Gas Cost for Smart Contract Deployment Using Foundry

Estimating Gas Costs for Deploying Smart Contracts with Foundry

Ethereum is one of the most popular blockchain platforms for building and deploying smart contracts, allowing developers to create self-executing contracts with specific rules and conditions without the need for an intermediary. However, the gas costs associated with deploying a smart contract can be significant, making it essential to accurately estimate these costs.

Understanding Gas Costs

Gas (Gigahertz) is the unit of measurement for computing power on the Ethereum network. It represents the amount of energy required to execute a single operation, such as a transaction or a call to a function. As the size and complexity of smart contracts increase, so do their gas costs.

Estimating Gas Costs with Foundry

Foundry, a popular web3 development platform, provides an easy-to-use interface for deploying and managing Ethereum-based applications, including smart contracts. To estimate the gas cost of deploying a smart contract using Foundry, we will walk through the process step by step.

Step 1: Create a new project in Foundry

First, create a new project in the Foundry platform. This will allow you to manage your blockchain assets and deploy smart contracts.

foundry new myproject

This command creates a new Foundry project named „myproject”. You can customize the project structure and settings as needed.

Step 2: Configure your smart contract

Next, create a new file named MyContract.sol in your project directory. This will contain the code for your smart contract.

pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

contract MyContract {

uint public counter;


This is a simple example contract that increments a counter variable on each transaction. Save and update the project by running foundry push.

Step 3: Use Foundry’s Gas Estimator

Foundry provides an easy-to-use gas estimator tool called „Gas Estimator” that allows you to estimate the gas cost of deploying your smart contracts.

foundry gas-estimator mycontract.json

This command generates a JSON file containing information about your contract, including estimated gas costs. The mycontract.json file should contain a gasEstimates property with an array of objects containing the estimated gas cost for each deployment scenario.

Step 4: Estimate Gas Costs

Using the gasEstimates property in the mycontract.json file, you can estimate gas costs for different deployment scenarios. Here is an example:


"gasEstimates": [


"name": "Deploy to mainnet",

"estimatedGasCost": 2000000,

"description": "Deploying to mainnet takes approximately 2,000,000 gas units"



"name": "Deploy to testnet",

"estimatedGasCost": 50000,

"description": "Deploying to testnet takes approximately 50,000 gas units"




Step 5: Compare gas costs

By comparing the estimated gas costs of different deployment scenarios, you can choose the one that best suits your needs.

Example Use Case

Suppose you want to deploy a smart contract on both mainnet and testnet. You will need to estimate the gas costs for each scenario using Foundry’s gas-estimator tool.


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